Software Factory

is an emerging development model with a different organization of development teams' work aimed at the mass-production of software utilizing unified implementations, deeper specialization, and development conveyors.

A Software Factory helps achieve a step change in productivity and cost reduction:

  • 4x increase in development productivity in 6 months

  • 4x decrease in time to market within a year

  • A path toward a fully automated AI-powered factory!

We are finalizing the “Software Factory” transformational program and encourage partners and early adopters to join us!

A Quick Historical Outlook:

Eras in Traditional Manufacturing


Goods production evolved through 4 distinct eras, with each transition causing a step-change in productivity, quality, and cost-efficiency.

Era 1: Early production
People made their own clothing, tools, and other items without specializing in one type of good. Their production processes were basic, labor-intensive, and inefficient, resulting in lower quality and quantity of goods.
Primitive tools
Era 2:Workshops
The invention of primitive tools led to the formation of artisans who specialized in manufacturing specific products. Trained by masters and practicing their craft most of their lives, these artisans produced significantly more and better-quality items compared to occasional craftsmen.
Division of labor
Era 3: Factories
The transition to standardized parts, assembly line production, and highly specialized workers drastically improved productivity while simultaneously reducing costs.
Artificial Intelligence
3D printing
Era 4: Light-off Factories
Advancements in IT and 3D printing enable fully automated, "light-off" factories, eliminating the need for human labor and again drastically improving productivity and reducing costs.

...But Most of Software Development Teams Are Stuck in the Second

Era— Workshops — Now


Software development is a relatively new industry that appeared in the middle of the 20th century. Compared to traditional industries, it creates non-material products represented by code executed by computers.

Era 1: Early Software Programming
Initially, the development of programs was on the shoulders of computer scientists who programmed their creations using primitive tools in machine codes. It was very hard and time-consuming work.
Software Development
Era 2: Agile Workshops
The advent of the first compilers and the establishment of software development as a profession led to the creation of companies specializing in software products for sale. These companies operate similarly to workshops in traditional industries.
Microservices and Microfronteds
IaaC and DevOps
Developers' specialization and conveyors
Era 3: Software Factories
The transition to standardized reusable building blocks, components, design patterns, templates, software "assembly lines," and highly specialized developers drastically improves productivity while simultaneously reducing costs nowadays. Developers delegate a significant part of their work to AI, as the processes and building blocks are standardized and repeatable.
Generative AI
Quantum Computing
Era 4: AI-Powered Software Factories
Finally, Generative AI and Quantum Computing enable fully automated, "light-off" software factories that develop software without direct human involvement, again drastically improving productivity and reducing costs.

Misconceptions About the Software Factory


The term “Software Factory” is often misunderstood in the industry.

It usually refers to automated delivery pipelines (DevOps) and CASE tools to auto-generate software components. This confusion creates a serious issue. While automation can help, it alone cannot create a significant increase in development productivity or cost reduction. Most organizations that have introduced automation report only slight improvements, which are far from achieving 2x or 3x gains.

Many software teams operate as “Agile Workshops” at the 2nd level of software production evolution, but dream of jumping to the last, 4th level, where AI will replace developers entirely.

An Agile Workshop is characterized by:

Bespoke Components :

bespoke implementations and fuzzy development practices are up to developers

Universal Workforce:

broad responsibilities, loosely defined roles, craftsmanship

Ad-hoc Processes:

Ad-hoc organization of work managed through personal communication

But there is a significant opportunity

right in front of us:


A true Software Factory, where human operations are organized according to factory principles to create a step-change in software production.

Unparalleled results are achievable by bringing more consistency and repeatability to people, processes, and work products.

  • Standard components

  • Well-defined operations to build them

  • And automated production lines to assemble products

lead to a 4x or more increase in software production output while lowering the expertise required for team members and reducing development costs.

The Three Pillars of the Software Factory:

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Standardized components

Products are built according to reference architectures and consist of standardized, templated components accompanied by implementation instructions.

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Highly-specialized roles

All team roles have narrowly defined responsibilities and are trained to perform standardized similar and repeatable tasks.

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Development "conveyors"

The work process is organized as a sequence of workplaces with clear inputs and outputs where specialized workers perform their operations on standardized components.

In addition, it greatly simplifies the adoption of Generative AI to automate development operations, and

it can be done gradually by increasing the automation level one workstation at a time.

Eventually, this will lead toward a AI-Powered Factory that produces software without direct human involvement.

Compared to a traditional Agile Workshop, the Software Factory model brings a much more systematic and structured approach, enhancing the consistency and repeatability of software development.

Overall, it provides a number of benefits:

  • Better Quality

  • Less Complexity

  • Lower Skill Requirements

  • Shorter Time to Market

  • Faster Innovation

  • Simpler Outsourcing

  • Lower Development Costs

  • Easier Maintenance

  • Faster Developers Onboarding

Let's Discover What the

Software Factory Really Means


Contrary to common belief, a Software Factory is not just about automation or reusable software assets. It involves a different organization of work, similar to how traditional factories operate.

How The Program Works


Step 1: Standardized Implementation

Goal: Standardize components and development practices

Methods: Reference Architecture, Reference Designs, Design Patterns, Guidelines, Component Templates

Our Programs to Achieve Standardization: Better Microservices, Better Microfrontends, Better Testing, Better Delivery

Evolution: Incrementally standardize all software development areas and increase the standardization level by adding more patterns, practices, and templates

Step 2: Deeper Specialization and Development Conveyors

Goal: Introduce deeper specialization and organize work as development conveyors

Methods: Specialized Roles, Work Product Templates, Developer Instructions and SOPs, Workplace, Conveyor, Technologist, Trainer, Process Engineer

Our Programs to Achieve Standardization: Software Factory

Evolution: Incrementally introduce specialization into different production areas, organize work as conveyors, gradually increase the specificity of roles, and add templates for different work products with detailed instructions

Step 3: Automating Manual Work with Generative AI

Goal: Automate manual operations with AI and gradually increase automation level to reach the “AI-Powered Factory”

Methods: Automated Workplaces, AI Agents, Trained LLMs, Changing Automation Levels

Our Programs to Achieve Standardization: Software Factory (initial level)

Evolution: ncrementally automate individual workplaces, and gradually raise automation level from Manual to Unsupervised

Now We Are Finalizing a Software Factory Transformational Program

with fixed price, clear deliverables, guarantees and great bonuses! The Program encompasses 9 key areas:

Plan 01
Standardize product designs
Standardize product designs
Define collaborative processes
Build 02
Plan component manufacturing
Formalize operating procedures
Automate delivery processes
Run 03
Train and certify personnel
Define patterns to test microservices
Measure performance and improve

Make the First Step Toward Software Factory Now!


At Enterprise Innovation Consulting, we enhance productivity in various areas of software development, including:

Better Microservices

Improve backend development with modern microservices architecture.

Better Microfrontends

Transform web development with modern microfrontend architecture.

Better Testing

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Implement automated functional and non-functional system-level testing.

Better Delivery

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Automate software delivery, including product packaging, scripted environments, and CI/CD pipelines.

By choosing Enterprise Innovation Consulting, software organizations gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise across these critical areas.

Our programs are designed not just to address immediate development challenges but to foster an environment of continuous improvement and innovation.

Whether you're looking to refine your microservices architecture, enhance your front-end development practices, or revolutionize your software delivery processes, our suite of programs provides the tools and guidance necessary to achieve superior outcomes in today’s competitive software development landscape.

Do You Have Any Questions About Our Programs?

Talk to our software productivity experts!