Achieve Double Productivity in Tests Development

Achieve more, better, and easier test automation through test standardization:

  • a reference architecture

  • design patterns

  • best practices

  • tests templates

tailored to your goals, technologies and requirements

Delegate development routine to AI

With our proven Better Microfrontends solution.

In just 3 months, starting at $30,000

Do you want to learn more about our solution?

Many Dev Teams Did That,

and You Can Too!


Our customers have achieved a 2x increase in microservices development productivity, 30% shorter time to market for their software products, better quality, and lower costs within 12 months after adopting our microservices productivity solution.

Joe Smith

VP of Product Development
Bootbarn Company
"We were pleasantly surprised by the speed and the integrity of EIC development team! The first vertical slice of our geo-information system was ready in just one month, and the minimal complete version was available to market in 3 months. Very satisfied with the quality of design and stability of the code. Highly recommended, will do business again in the future."

Emily Allison

VP of Product Development
Logistics Company
The consulting service provided by Enterprise Innovation Consulting is amazing. It relieves me of the responsibility of system maintenance, while providing peace of mind that our system is protected, compliant and efficient. I am pleased to recommend EIC, as they provide a highly valued service to our firm.

Justin Curry

Sr. Director
The EIC development team has been one of the best teams I’ve worked with in my 30+ years in the IT industry. I can’t be more pleased with the quality of the work, as well as, the turnaround time for development requests. The team has a depth of knowledge to help navigate new architectural solutions and has been a cornerstone in launching our software products to our clients on time and in budget. A very professional, get-it-done company to partner with.”

Why Is Development Standardization

Worth Introducing?


Telling "standardization," we mean a bespoke framework that makes tests development consistent, repeatable, and much easier.

Such standardization offers a wide range of advantages:

  • Doubled productivity

  • Easier test automation

  • Easier test integration into delivery pipelines

  • Accelerated releases

  • Reduced reliance on manual testing

  • Better product quality

Higher consistency of the source code and repeatability of development processes make the introduction of automated coding by AI much easier and way more effective!

Standardize Tests Development with Our Unique Solution

Why do it yourself, investing 6-12 months without a guaranteed result,

or spend a fortune on expensive consultants?

Our unique Better Testing program will rapidly deliver to you a comprehensive tests

development framework that enables over 50 design patterns and best practices across 9 key areas:

Prepare 01
Align goals, teams and people with test automation
Design test automation architecture to achieve quality goals
Align coding practices with test development
Build 02
Define patterns for test harnesses
Define patterns for test execution
Define patterns for benchmarking
Deliver 03
Define patterns to package tests for deployment
Integrate automated tests into CI/CD pipelines
Measure and continuously improve product quality

You are going to get:

Reference Architecture
3+ Automated Test
Vertical Slice
6-Hour Online

Plus 5 expert recommendations to successfully adopt
microfrontends within your organization and 5 developer guidelines
to enhance consistency and quality of your
development practices.

All the Deliverables are

Custom-Made Just for You


All the deliverables are created specifically for you, based on your specifications and using your stack of technologies; for instance:

Programming Languages

Deployment Platforms

Your team will be involved in the process, defining problems, co-creating solutions and reviewing the deliverables

Maximize Productivity with Generative AI

Maximize Productivity with Generative AI

Generative AI is transforming industries, promising to revolutionize software development. Yet, without a standardized approach, incorporating AI-generated code into a complex and inconsistent architecture can lead to chaos, increased complexity, and reduced productivity.

Effective integration of Generative AI hinges on standardization.

By implementing consistent development methods and clear patterns, you can seamlessly adopt AI technologies and enhance productivity.

Our program offers a structured pathway to

integrate Generative AI, featuring over 10 detailed

how-tos to automate repetitive tasks like

component creation

API generation

unit testing

code documentation

With our expertise, you’ll leverage AI to streamline development
processes, ensuring a smooth transition and significant
productivity gains.

Select the Right Package to Meet Your Needs


Best fits Startups and teams adopting Microservices from scratch. It requires minimum involvement from you and your team.
Starting at $30,000

For teams already experienced with microservices and for brown-field projects. The solution will be co-created with your team and customized to fit your existing implementations.
Starting at $50,000

For organizations that need extra support. to ensure successful adoption. Includes everything from the Advanced package, plus 2+ months of coaching and mentoring of your team on a T&M basis.
Starting at $70,000

Not sure what package is the best fit for you?

How The Program Works


Design Phase
Discovering your problems and needs, designing reference architecture, preparing test automation adoption recommendations and development guidelines.
Implementation Phase
Developing tests templates and implementing selected design patterns.
Delivery Phase
Building a vertical slice to demonstrate the solution (tests development framework). Training your team to effectively use the solution.
Follow-Up Phase
For Ultimate clients, 2-3 months of coaching and mentoring. For others, a detailed review of your progress and shortfalls, with recommendations to keep you on track.

Your Success Is Our Priority


To ensure your complete satisfaction, we incorporate a number of guarantees into our program:

Pay by Result

You pay only if you are satisfied by the end of each phase.

Free Bug Fixing

for 12 months after the delivery of the program

Coaching and Mentoring

of your dev team for 2-3 months

*available for Ultimate clients only

Apply to Better Testing Now

to Receive Great Bonuses

2-Hour Expert Roundtable with invited testing expert to discuss your problems and needs and uncover possible solutions for effective auto tests implementation.
10% Discount on other transformation programs, including Better Microservices, Better Microfrontends, Better Delivery, and Software Factory.
10 Instructions to use Generative AI in your tests development

Frequently Asked



If we adopt your standardization solution, would we need to rework all autotests we've built so far? We’re not prepared for a revolution, given the substantial resources it requires.

Absolutely not! There's no need to discard your existing tests and rush into rewriting it. We advocate for a gradual, evolutionary introduction of new patterns.

New tests will be developed using Better Testing practices and templates, while existing tests can remain as they are, being redesigned only when necessary, or within a gradual migration path.

How does the program address test data management and security?

The program includes best practices for test data management and security, ensuring that sensitive data is handled appropriately and securely during testing. This includes data anonymization, secure storage practices, and compliance with relevant data protection regulations.

What kind of documentation and reporting capabilities are provided by the program?

The program offers comprehensive documentation and reporting tools that help track testing progress, identify issues, and generate insights for continuous improvement. This includes detailed test plans, test cases, and automated reports.

Will the program cause any disruptions to my projects?

No. All design and development activities are performed outside of current projects with little to no involvement from customer teams.

After you receive all the deliverables and training for your team, you can gradually introduce new patterns and practices at the right time and place of your choosing.

How to ensure that the deliverables are not cookie-cutter and actually address my unique needs?

Our program deliverables are never cookie-cutter. We create them based on your unique requirements and technology stack defined during the engagement phase, and then validated in the Expert Routable workshop. 

In addition, the Advanced and Premium packages include interviews with key stakeholders and a review process for all key artifacts to ensure they match your requirements.

What if my team resists standardization done by external consultants?

Our Advanced and Premium packages are designed to ensure the involvement of the client team in the decision-making process. Moreover, all key deliverables are reviewed by the client team to ensure they align with their expectations. 

The goal of the program is not to impose patterns and practices that developers are uncomfortable with, but to help them create a strong starting point. The standards are never set in stone and are subject to constant revision and improvement by the development team.

What if my team needs extra support to introduce and become comfortable with the new development methods?

Our Premium package includes up to 3 months of co-development and mentorship.

During this time, our architects and developers will coach and mentor your team, assist them in adapting to the new development methods, and help develop a migration path for existing components.

What if we encounter issues after the program is complete?

We include a 12-month free bug-fixing guarantee. Any issues in the deliverables will be fixed free of charge. 

Additionally, in the Follow-Up review three months after the program, our experts will review any issues that arise and provide recommendations on how to address them.

How to keep templates and documents up to date?

Software technologies and methodologies are constantly evolving. Our program is designed to prepare your organization for these changes. In the Next Steps recommendations document, we explain how to manage this. To make the process predictable, you can introduce a formal Technologist role in your team. This person will be responsible for maintaining and evolving templates and development processes.

Does the program include build automation / CI/CD pipelines for software components?

Build automation is not within the scope of this program. However, Enterprise Innovation offers the Better Delivery program, which provides a fully automated delivery platform, including CI/CD pipelines.

If I need templates for several programming languages and/or deployment platforms, can the program accommodate this?

In the technical requirements, you can specify the complete list of languages, technologies, and platforms you need to support. Based on these requirements, the scope and price of the program will be adjusted to deliver all the necessary components.

Do You Have Any Questions About Our Programs?
Talk to our software productivity experts!

Boost Productivity Across

All Software Development Areas


At Enterprise Innovation Consulting, we enhance productivity in various areas of software development, including:

Better Microservices

Offers adoption of optimized microservices architecture, templates, and development practices that facilitate scalability, resilience, and agility in software development, and double your productivity.

Better Microfrontends

transform web development with modern microfrontend architecture.

Better Delivery

automate software delivery, including product packaging, scripted
environments, and CI/CD pipelines.

Software Factory

evolve into a modern software factory to rapidly produce software

at reduced costs and time.

Partnering with Enterprise Innovation Consulting grants your team access to extensive expertise across these essential areas.

Our programs are crafted to deliver immediate improvements while fostering a culture of continuous innovation.

Enhance your team's structure, clarify roles and responsibilities, and maintain standardized architecture and development practices for lasting success.

Do You Have More Questions About the Program?
Talk to our experts!