Microservices Design Patterns with Java:
Meet the New Book by Our CEO

We’re excited to share that our CEO, Sergey Seroukhov, has written a highly practical and useful book, "Microservices Design Patterns with Java."

Why You Should Read It:

In a rapidly evolving software landscape, microservices are crucial for building scalable, resilient systems.

This book offers a concise compilation of established and emerging patterns, targeting experienced practitioners. It equips readers with the knowledge and tools to overcome the challenges of microservices development, ensuring the delivery of efficient, scalable, and reliable systems.

Master the art of breaking down monolithic systems, explore communication strategies, and conquer data management challenges! "Microservices Design Patterns with Java" walks you through step-by-step building scalable and maintainable applications. 

Tailored for architects, team leads, developers, and DevOps engineers, this practical guide provides over 70 design patterns and practices essential for developing robust microservices. 

With detailed Java code examples, you can apply the concepts directly to your projects, enhancing your understanding and implementation of microservices architecture.

You can order your copy here:

Microservices Design Patterns with Java

We extend our gratitude to our publisher, BPB , Asia's largest publisher of Computer & IT books, trusted by IT professionals for over 63 years.

They inspired Sergey to share his knowledge and write this book.